
Phone: +370 644 46530



Security cleared software developer with extensive experience of a wide-range of technologies. 10+ years’ experience in public and private sectors, including real-estate, online retail, rail, and government services. Strong expertise in Java, Scala, PHP, and frontend web-development, including major frameworks. Strong experience with full life-cycle software engineering, including project management techniques such as Waterfall/Scrum/Agile and continuous integration/continuous deployment tools.

Roles and specific experience outlined below, for more information please refer to my LinkedIn profile or send me an email.

Work - Swedbank

Senior Software Developer 02-2024 - now


Java, Spring Boot, gradle, Git, and API

Work - Codigi

Senior Software Developer 04-2022 - 02-2024

Provided consultation and development services externally for companies:

  • SME Finance (alongside with Inventi)
  • Intrum (alongside with Baltic Amadeus)

SME Finance

Building a semi-automatic business tool consisting of various microservices together communicating via internal API calls or zeebe workflows. Major topics involved during the consultation/development:

  • Introduction of integration tests as a separate source set (not mixed up with unit tests)
  • Built parsing system of third party XMLs consisting of various information about object’s financial data and whatnot
  • Joined various financial indicators into one scope for so called application
  • Maintained and created existing/new zeebe workflows/decision engines
  • Started making changes in react application (personal achievement - breakthrough from back-end services)


Integrating separate components dealing with logical concepts of Intrum business notions

Codigi itself

In parallel during free time working on side-project invented by Codigi colleagues.

Java, Spring Boot, gradle, maven, Git, API, micro-service, Docker, zeebe, React, and kafka

Work - Bankera

Senior Software developer / Tech Lead 09-2020 - 04-2022

Hands on wheels which drive the online banking in a most mobile, easy accessible form we can achieve in current trends.

  • Know Your Customer
Java, Spring Boot, Git, API, micro-service, SQL, Docker, maven, and kafka

Work - HMCTS

Senior Software developer 10-2017 - 09-2020

Participating in Reform Programme - government going paperless. Developing platform tools for other teams to reuse.

  • Projects:
    • Application template
    • Logging
    • Job scheduling
    • Send letter service
    • Feature toggle
    • Bulk scan handling
    • Infrastructure and orchestration of more global Bulk Scan component
  • CI tools and continuous improvement
  • API specification publish tool and visual representation
  • Introduction to Java 11 and dawn of Java React usage
  • Migration to Java 11
  • PACT testing
  • Intermittent alteration of other projects developed by teams
  • Various investigation e.g. Microsoft Azure AppInsights, DeadLetterQueue etc.
Java, Spring Boot, Git, API, micro-service, gradle, terraform, and Docker

Work - OnTrackRetail ltd.

Senior Software developer 11-2014 - 10-2017

Web ticket issuing system in train jargon - WebTIS. Developing APIs for train ticket issuing components in a microservice monolith way. Idea was great, but complexity of UK trains and “build fast sort it out later” methodology led to the microservice monolith

  • Projects:
    • Collect at the station
    • Smartcard + KeyGo support
    • Customer API
    • Order API
    • Admin API
    • Payment API
    • Delay Repay API
  • Participation in management planning regarding product development
  • Minor work in admin UI
  • Use RabbitMQ for inter-service communication
  • BDD
  • Sufficient test coverage and bullet proofing the services
Scala, sbt, Akka, Git, API, BDD, micro-service, ansible, and Team lead

Work - Quidco

Software developer 02-2012 - 10-2014

Wide scope of different kind of projects/products, covering all parts of website mostly on back-end development. few topics following:

  • Dependency injection
  • Modularising products in abstract architecture (depending on the product complexity, possibility of expansion) for easier continuous integration, improvement, packaging, testing
  • Improving public libraries to accommodate tech department needs, indirect impact to UX stability
  • Implementing third party products (‘proxied’ requests to remote tomcat server via javascript application for reports to other third party members to use; general reports; imports; apis)
PHP5, ZF1, PHPUnit, Twig, SQL, LESS, Twitter Bootstrap, Doctrine, Smarty, jQuery, composer, Phing, Git, and SVN

Work - Assertis ltd.

Web developer 03-2011 - 02-2012

  • Developing product
  • Supporting co-brands and up-to-date
  • Several businesses collaboration with main business logic providing individual options
  • Development/Testing/Production environment support/upgrade/developing
PHP5, PHPUnit, xFrame, Phing, SQL, jQuery, XSTL, SASS, BackboneJS, and SVN

Work - Group of real estate and development

Web developer 03-2010 - 02-2011

  • Develop in-house CMS used by real estate agents
  • Upgrade company code from spaghetti to use properly orchestrated framework
  • Clear up database from mysterious attributes
  • Introduce source versioning
  • Set up base application with Zend Framework 1 for new project
PHP5, SQL, CSS, JavaScript, SVN, and ZF1

Work - National centre of examination

IT specialist 11-2006 - 10-2008

Lot’s of work with databases (mainly Oracle, a little MySQL). Writing various auto-reports for different exams, also running and configuring other automatic processes.

SQL, MS Office, and ABBYY FineReader

Education - Applied mathematics

University of Vilnius Bachelor 09-2003 - 06-2007

Additional notes: I chose stochastic profile in the third term

Technical skills

Languages: Java, Scala, PHP, SQL, XSLT, JavaScript, CSS, and Python

Libraries: Spring Boot, xFrame, ZF1, jQuery, Twig, Doctrine, zeebe, Smarty, Twitter Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Backbone, and React

Tools/Utils: gradle, maven, sbt, terraform, ansible, maven, Phing, SASS/LESS, CasperJS, PHPUnit, DBUnit, Selenium, Memcache(d), and Gearman

VCS: Git and SVN

Classes and certificates - Security Check Clearance

20-03-2019 - 19-03-2026

Organiser: MoJ

Classes and certificates - Scientific results of statistical methods, statistics with SPSS

28-01-2006 - 31-01-2006

Organiser: National centre of examination

Additional notes: The seminar topics included: the main statistical problem, the statistical findings of one sample / two samples, the table frequencies, the hypothesis of correlation coefficient equality to zero; non-parametrical criteria; mono-factor, bi-factor and blocked data analysis of variance, cluster analysis, linear, multiple and logistic regression


  • Judging new / old films
  • Reading science fiction
  • Developing something “awesome”
  • Visiting museums
  • Travelling and discovering new lands
  • Collecting heavy music records